How to make Delicious Stuffed Torai Recipe | Stuffed Sponge Gourd | Bharwan Turai recipe

How to make Delicious Stuffed Torai Recipe | Stuffed Sponge Gourd | Bharwan Turai recipe

1) Sponge Gourd - 250 gm
2) Coriander powder - 1/3 cup
3) Besan - 1 tbsp
4) Red chilly powder - 1tsp
5) Turmeric - 1 tsp
6) Salt - To taste
7) Chat Masala - 1/4 tsp
8) Green chilly -1 & Ginger 1 small piece - Paste
9) Oil - As per need
10) Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp chopped
11) Garam masala - 1/4 tsp
12) Rai ( Musterd seed ) - 1 tsp
13) Jeera - 1 tsp


Peel of sponge gourd s with peeler. Give cut from top to bottom so that it form cavity. Take care that they don't get separated.
Take a bowl and add coriander leaves, salt, red chilly powder, turmeric , chat masala, Besan , Garam masala , Green chilly & ginger paste. Add 1 tsp oil into it and mix them well. Stuffing should be little wet when holding. Stuffing is ready now.
Feel stuffing in to cut sponge gourd pieces by little pressure. Cut them into pieces of 2 inch size.
Take a pan on gas with high flame. Add 2 tbsp oil. When oil is hot, add Rai, Jeera and pinch of hing.
Add stuffed sponge gourd pieces into it and fry them for 4 to 5 min. Keep it open as sponge gourd leaves water by itself. Hence no need to close lid. Add 1 to 2 tbsp left over stuffing into it before 2 min and mix them well. After 5 min check for it for complete fry.

Stuffed Torai ( Sponge Gourd ) is ready for delicious taste. It can be served Roti / Paratha / Puri.
