5 मिनट में बचे हुए चावल से बनाये लाजवाब डोनट्स कटलेट | Leftover Rice Do...

5 मिनट में बचे हुए चावल से बनाये लाजवाब डोनट्स कटलेट  | Leftover Rice Doughnuts | Leftover Cutlet
Put a pan on gas with high flame. Add 1 tbsp oil.
When oil is hot, bring down gas to low flame and add green chilly - ginger paste and roast it. Add chopped onion and roast it till it become light brown -around 2-3 minutes. Add capsicum and mix them well. Roast it for 1 min. Add grated carrot and mix them well. Add salt, red chilly flakes, chat masala and mix them well. Turn off gas
Take mixer jar and add cooked / leftover rice and make paste by grinding it.  Transfer paste into big bowl. Add coriander leaves, roasted vegetbles and mix them well. If rice is dry then binding will be good and if wet then need to add corn flour - 1 or 2 tbsp to create good binding.
Take small amount in greased hand and roll it to make flat round shape tikki of 3 inch. Take cap of any small bottles in home - 1 " dia and press edge part on center of tikki so that hole is created when it is taken back. Now doughnut shape is ready.
Prepare all doughnuts with same process.
Put a pan on gas with high flame and add oil .When oil is hot, add doughnuts to fry . Keep them flipping and fry properly till they are crispy. Take them out in serving plate.
Fry all doughnuts in same way.
Serve this in a plate with green chutney and tomato ketchup and enjoy delicious taste.
