हलवाई जैसे दानेदार बेसन के लडडू बनाये | Besan ladoo recipe - How to make...

हलवाई जैसे दानेदार बेसन के लडडू बनाये | Besan ladoo recipe - How to make besan ladoo - Besan laddu
1) BESAN - 2 CUP
2) GHEE - 1 CUP
3) TAGAR ( BURA ) - 1.5 CUP
4) CARDAMOM - 4-5 Powder
5) PISTA - 6-7 Chopped
6) ROSE PETALS - 10-12 (Dried )
Put a non stick pan on gas with low flame and besan. Roast it for 20 percent till it becomes littler darker in colour. Add half cup of ghee and mix them properly, Keep stirring till besan starting smelling well and it ghee starts separating from pan. Add 1 tbsp of water and mix them well. It will start boiling . Keep stirring till it stops boiling and besan mixuture form good consistency. Add cardamom powder and mix it well.
Turn off gas now and immediately transfer to another utensil so that it dont get burnt out. Let it cool down properly.
After cool down, add tagar into it and mix them well. Check for good bonding. If not good bonding then add ghee and form good bonding.
Take small lump in hand and roll it to form lemon size ball.
Garnish with chopped pista or dried rose petals. Prepare rest of laddus in same way.
Delicious Halwai type Besan ke laddu is ready for mouth watering taste..Enjoy.
