२ मिनट मे बनाये आवला जूस जिसके पीने से होते हैं कमाल के फायदे | How to m...

२ मिनट मे बनाये आवला जूस | How to make Amla juice at home | Amla Juice Reicipe
२ मिनट मे बनाये आवला जूस | How to make Amla juice at home | Amla Juice Reicipe
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMFJfuQIYlQ&w=560&h=315]
1) AMLA - 15
2) GINGER - 1 Small
Take at bowl . Cut Amla into small pieces and remove seed. Cut ginger and green turmeric into pieces and add into it. Add little water and grind in mixer to make paste.
Take big bowl and put any cotton / malmal cloth over it. Pour paste on cloth . Fold cloth from edge and make bag ( potali ). Squeeze it with hand to take out juice from it.
Juice is ready, serve it in glass.
Drink daily 1 glass of juice with empty stomach in morning and be healthy.
