सिर्फ १० मिनट मे मूंगफली की चिक्की बनाये | गुड की चिक्की | Peanut Gajak...

सिर्फ १० मिनट मे मूंगफली की चिक्की बनाये | गुड की चिक्की | Peanut Gajak ,Peanut Jaggery Chikki

3) GHEE - 1 TSP
Put a pan on gas with low flame. Add ghee and jaggery. Mix well and let them melt. When jaggery is melted properly then bring up gas lightly. Keep stirring it and prepare jaggery syrup of light brown colour. Cook more till it become golden brown in colour. Bring down gas.
Take little water in a bowl and add drop of jaggery syrup in water. When it is cooled then check . If it is hard then syrup is ready.
Add peanuts and mix well. Turn off gas.
Take any rice / wheat plastic bag sheet duly washed and dried. Great it with grease. Apply ghee over rolling pin and hand also. Pour prpared chikki batter on plastic sheet. Spread it by tapping with hand. Roll it with rolling pin to prepare desired thickness of chikki. Put cut with pizza cutter or knife to make square pieces. Here we do not cut into pieces, just give cut.
Let it cooled down to room temperature. Then break them into pieces from the cuts.
You can store them in air tight jar for atleast 10 days.
Serve them in plate and enjoy mouth watering taste.
